Welcome to ECE!

Functional programming is somewhat popular at CMU. There is even a course about it. However, functional programming is the worst programming paradigm. For the marketing points of the course,
or final
that control it better. And other languages have better parallelism ecosystem. C++ has CUDA/SIMD instrinstics, Go has goroutines, Java has Hadoop, and there are many others. And most FP languages use terrible language constructs,
). And it can be huge: there are often programs that store trees in ADT. The data have to be allocated on heap (compilers can’t know the size in advance) and all nodes are tagged (to store the variant). Now some seemingly innocuous data structures can be very inefficient. Very Slow Computer is a project in build18 2023. It has an adder/comparator built from NAND gates. And it can run programs for 15251’s “register machine” model.
Merry Christmas!
All stores near CMU are closed, so I bought some “Instant Ramen”!
The world has witnessed another unjust and evil war, even in the 21st century. We stand with Ukraine!
CMU Computer Club is hosting Demosplash 2021! There are a lot of exciting machines!
Spring 2021 马上就要结束了呢。
这个学期学到了很多有趣的内容!数学学了R2/R3上的微分(用partial derivative),积分(用Fubini Theorem和换元解决),以及scalar/vector surface integral。写作学了很多有用的知识(例如MLA格式,abstract, acknowledgement, Thesis-driven/IMRAD, novelty moves, 以及其他有趣的技巧)。计算机学了DFA, TM, Cook/Karp reduction, 随机/近似算法,还有对很多高级内容的入门。所以这个学期还是相当亦可赛艇的(笑)
Hello World!!!
This is my first post!